
Little girl

Sunday, March 31, 2013

So this is it!

Bobbi came to me as well a surprise, I had been looking for a dog to fill a void in my life due to losing both of my grandparents and finding out I had to lose my previous pets due to illness and the assumption I was moving out of state (which later I found I didn't have to) my two beautiful bearded dragons Rumple and Belle went to a wonderful home of a man who could raise them they were special needs, my snake Maleficent found a mate and calmed his temper so he could finally be adopted, and I lost my best friend and companion Mckee a orange tabby who meant the world to me to hearworms. I nearly vowed that I would never get another pet and my mom and I were looking on adoption sites for dogs just for fun when we got a phone call from my moms friend she was adopting a new puppy, I really wasn't interested at first having losing my pets before I was both worried and terrified if the puppy was healthy and was I ready to take on having another pet so soon. Oddly enough I got excited I wanted to see the little guy or girl, she was a tiny chihuahua, and my moms friend had her twin sister Santi.

that's Bobbi my new little princess without the red ribbon and her twin Santi who lives out of state. My mom and I made the road-trip to see the new puppy and to visit and the whole way I had doubts, was she healthy, where did she come from, what was she like, what did she look like... a million questions running through my head understandably  The hilarious part was we had to wait till the next morning to get her and I couldn't sleep I just wanted her with me now. Finally the time came and my moms friend arrived with the most precious puppy I had ever seen all of my doubts vanished and the infamous call of AWWWWWW was heard, she was tiny, fit in the palm of my hand and she looked up with these cute little eyes as if to say are you my mommy, I almost cried remembering Mckee having that same look. She was kind of lethargic and we later learned why, never having a puppy before I was officially a noob at what to feed such a tiny pup so I made the unfortunate mistake of giving her oatmeal which made her sick like and then I thought giving her baby food would help and that gave her loose stools, finally I got her to a vet where we were visiting and they gave me some formula and she hated it! I had to fight her to drink it but her energy began to come back, the worst part is we decided to enjoy the roadtrip and ended up in a small town where my moms friend recommended and I found out there was no puppy chow anywhere so baby food had to stay along with the hated formula the vet assured it was ok for just a couple of days until we got home, she slowly regained her strength and was vibrant and gaining a very cute personality of always curious...

Bobbi with the bluebonnets,

we discovered Dinosaur valley the day after we got Bobbi and she had a blast trekking around in a makeshift carrier I made she never fussed except to potty and she loved smelling the air for new scents 

when we got home Bobbi Had a little bit of transition time she seemed to be used to the traveling and exploring she didn't really know what to do with staying at home. she had a crate with plenty of room to sleep in with her blanket, toys, and water (she is spoiled) and she was adapting well with her grass pad (to little to be outside), that's when we got some odd news, her first vet visit, she was healthy and weighed 1 lb so she had a good weight for her size, her age however startled me due to we were told that she was only 6 weeks old, I was livid who adopts puppies that are still supposed to be with their mother and on top of that I had trekked around with her thankfully she never met other dogs and I was very careful where she pottied searching to make sure there was no other dog evidence perhaps I am to paranoid. so I now had a true baby the voyage of weaning to water and solid food began I was shocked to see she learned the routine within a day and a half, she drinks water from a preemie bottle I squeeze it to give her a small stream and she laps it up, I tried a small bowl and she fell in (top heavy). Her dog food consists of a process of 2 tbs of Purina puppy chow and a 1 tbs of the wet puppy food from Purina pro plan, I take a baggie and mix the puppy chow with warm water and use a wooden mallet to crush it up a little then mix in the wet food, she goes nuts and eats like a little piggie demanding her Disney princess bowl (refuses the other one) which is where the nickname little princess came from, she can be a diva. followed by the nutrical a little dollop between meals to stabilize her blood sugar the vet noticed she was wobbly. So now I am just waiting to see how big my little girl is going to get, I bought her two little dresses one formal one casual she seems to get cold easy and she has everything she needs its been kind of a weird ride but worth it, I love my princess so very much and loving every minute I spend with her, so this blog is about her life and the ups and downs of puppyhood.